I Was a Teenage Anarchist
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:38 p.m.
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White Crosses
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61 KB
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
Look-in for rev-o-lu-tion
I had the style, I had the am-bit-ion
Read all the au-thors, I knew the right slo-gans
There was no war but the class war
I was rea-dy to set the world on fi-re
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
Look-in for rev-o-lu-tion
Do you re-mem-ber?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
Do you re-mem-ber?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
But the pol-i-tics were too con-ven-ient
In the depths of their hu-man-i-ty
All I saw was blood-less i-de-ol-o-gy
With free-dom as their doc-trine
Guess who was the new au-thor-i-ty?
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
But the pol-i-tics were too con-ven-ient
Do you re-mem-ber?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
Do you re-mem-ber?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
But then the scene got too ri-gid
It was a mob men-tal-i-ty
They set their ri-fle sights on me
Nar-row vis-ions of au-ton-o-my
You want me to sur-ren-der my i-den-ti-ty
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
The rev-o-lu-tion was a lie
Do you re-mem-ber?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
Do you re-mem-ber?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
When you were young
And you want-ed to
Set the world on fi-re?
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist
I was a teen-age an-ar-chist